About the Artist: Ethan Hulbert
Ethan Hulbert is an interdisciplinary artist with a degree in experimental film from Columbia College Chicago, along with studies in nanoscience, relativistic thermodynamics, and nuclear engineering. Aside from the digital work displayed here, Ethan has worked in music, film, video, paint, collage, and other mediums.
Dynamically introspective, Ethan’s abstract art pushes the boundaries between photorealistic precision and pulp-fantasy debris. In Ethan’s work, cataclysmic science futurism meets fantastical higher powers and galaxies clash with ghosts.
The pieces exhibited on this website detail Ethan’s journeys through digital abstract art over a period of many years. While most of the Glitch Series was made within two eventful months, the Abstract Collection spans nearly seven years of creative development, while the Test Art comprises the additional experiments along the way.
No artificial intelligence services have been used to generate the art on this website. Not even a little. Not even for inspiration. NO AI AT ALL.
Ethan’s work has been exhibited in galleries and theaters in Minneapolis and Chicago. Ethan was raised in Spring Valley, WI, and now resides in Los Angeles, working in digital advertising in Santa Monica.
You can also visit the Perplexia Shops at Redbubble. These will be expanded and better integrated with the website sometime, maybe, one day.
All rights are reserved across all artwork and content on this website. If you’d like to get in touch with Ethan, email him here:
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Have a nice day.